If you own a car, the chances are high that you have a car insurance policy. It’s a smart choice to protect your vehicle asset and to ensure you are covered in the case of a fender bender, or a more serious car accident in which someone is hurt or your vehicle is seriously damaged. It’s also wise because your vehicle may fall victim to criminal activity. Stats SA reported the 2019/2020 motor theft figures sat an estimated 88 000 incidences for that period in South Africa.1 While we are all aware of the main reasons to insure a car, many women do not realise that a good car insurance policy may also protect you from a variety of other unexpected risks. Find out more as First for Women unpacks these hidden car insurance benefits.
If you’ve ever had a flat tyre in the middle of the night, a car that won’t start in a storm or a breakdown in an unknown neighbourhood, you know that it is not just an inconvenience, it’s also downright terrifying. Suddenly you feel vulnerable and in danger, not knowing when or if help will arrive or if a passing motorist poses a threat to you.
Fortunately, most leading car insurance companies, like First for Women, provide a bespoke 24/7 Guardian Angel on Call service during which time a representative of the company is sent to your location to wait with you until a qualified car mechanic is dispatched to fix your mechanical problem. Whether you are alone or with your kids, we believe that your safety should be a priority. Also, a good insurance company will have an app or crash detection system that you can use so that if you’re ever involved in a serious car accident, you don’t even need to call in. The app or device will register the impact and alert the necessary medical and roadside authorities. First for Women is aware that speed is of great importance when providing healthcare to accident victims, which is the reason we have been working to ensure you get the critical care you need as soon as possible.
Isn’t it always the case – when you’re really busy, that’s when Murphy’s Law strikes. And something that could go wrong, does go wrong. Good insurance for vehicles could help you when you’re in a fix.
Run out of fuel? They’ll bring you petrol or diesel to get you moving again.
Hit a pothole and got a flat? They will come out and help change your tyres.
Lost your keys? They will pay for you to get a new set.
Flying stone chipped your screen? They will repair or replace, as necessary.
To qualify for this service, simply download the Guardian on Call app from Google Play or the Apple App Store and save 0860 104 211 on your phone for future communications. When you call, simply provide your ID number, and describe your car problem. And once your membership is confirmed, help will be on the way. No judgements and no hassles. Just fast and reliable solutions, which is what every busy woman really needs.
Some car insurance policies can even provide cover for things that have nothing to do with your car, but everything to do with creating a sophisticated lifestyle for the modern woman, like providing you with contact details for plumbers, electricians, and other service people from a trusted and approved network should disaster strike. Take care of that flooded loo just before you have friends round for a dinner party. Depending on the type of car insurance that you have, you may even find that your insurance gives you access to concierge services. This convenient service could help you book movie tickets, make restaurant reservations, or arrange a flight.
So, in addition to providing affordable car insurance, First for Women offers the Guardian Angel on Call lifestyle benefit, which extends to help within the home and health, as our Home Assist and Medical Assist can help organise your life when you’re busy and constantly on the go, or provide health-related assistance if someone required medical support. We even offer expert Legal and Tax Assist. Discover more about our roadside assistance and lifestyle benefit options here.
Weather can be wonderful, or it can be wild but it is very rarely 100% predictable. You may not think too much about it, but bad weather and natural disasters can pose significant risks to you and your vehicle. Hail, flooding, and fire can put your life at risk and damage your property. Your car insurance may offer you partial or full protection against these elemental challenges. Read your policy documents closely so that you’re duly informed about these risks and cover. In the case that your car is badly damaged by inclement weather, rest easy knowing that your insurer can cover the damage and even can pay for a tow truck to move your car to a safer location and arrange for storage costs if those become necessary. That’s good news for your bank balance and even more reason to make sure you insure a car.
Cars are the ultimate symbol of freedom and adventure – go where you want, when you want. And your perfect partner in that experience should be an insurance policy that aims to take care of the details so you can concentrate on the journey. Compare car insurance quotes so you get a good idea of the benefits and risks covered. Brought to you by First For Women Vehicle Insurance.
Disclaimer: This content is for informational, educational, or entertainment purposes only. We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of the content. The views and opinions are those of the author and not necessarily those of the company.