It’s important to know how to submit an insurance claim with your insurer. When it comes to submitting an insurance claim, First for Women advises claimants to make sure they follow the correct process and that they submit a claim as quickly as possible. Find out how you can go about submitting a First for Women insurance claim with these easy step-by-step guidelines and tips.
If you want to submit an insurance claim, you need to inform your insurer of your intent to do so. With First for Women, you do this telephonically on 0861 11 18 05, or on the website directly. Perhaps you had a car accident, or your home was damaged during a story? Whatever the event that prompted your claim with your 1st for Women insurance policy, you probably have some questions about how you can get your claim processed as quickly as possible?
Follow these steps when it comes to submitting an insurance claim:
1. Inform your insurer. We recommend contacting your insurer as soon as possible, but no later than 30 days after the incident. You also need to inform your insurer of any incident even if you don’t want to claim. This will help if there’s a future claim.
2. File a police report, if necessary. You will be required to file a police report if you were involved in a vehicle accident[1] or if someone’s property was damaged - even if no one intends to file an insurance claim.
3. Collate and submit supporting documentation. You will need to provide all the necessary documentation, including the police report if you have one, to your insurer in order to process your claim.
4. Allow your insurer time to act on your claim. We know you’re eager to start repairing your car or fixing your home, but we caution against impatience. Don’t undertake any repairs until you’ve received authorisation to do so otherwise your claim may be rejected. Don’t worry: we’ll keep you updated about your First for Women claim every step of the way.
5. Get your repairs or replacements done. Once you’ve received authorisation, you can commence with the repairs or replacement of your assets within three months of your claim having been settled.
Keep all the documents relating to your claim in once place
If you contact us to follow up on the status of your claim always have your policy number on hand
Always remember to ask for a reference number when you contact the claim’s department
Along with the reference number take notes of the consultant’s name and surname
Knowledge is empowerment. We suggest you familiarise yourself with your policy terms and conditions as contained in your 1st for Women Policy Book. Make sure you understand what you are covered for and what excesses apply for the various types of cover you have, for example, home, building or vehicle insurance. Check your Policy Schedule to make sure you are adequately insured and that all the details of the risk covered are stipulated correctly. Browse our full range of insurance products covering car, home, business and personal - insurance you can trust.
At 1st for Women we know that each
woman is an individual who has
different needs.
How to Submit an Insurance Claim with First for Women?
Your Car Insurance Claim Can Be Rejected if You Do These 10 Things