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What every mom should teach her child

What every mom should teach her child

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Daughters learn a lot from their mothers, sometimes without even realising it. You could go so far as to say that the lessons that we learnt at our mother’s knees, or perhaps over her knees getting the spanking of our lives, shaped us into the person that we are are today. With Mother’s Day top of mind we decided to take a look at some of the lessons we think every mother should teach her daughter.

As obvious as it might seem, the first port of call for any mom should be to teach her daughter to say please and thank you and to do so graciously and with a smile.


Respect for our planet, for the animals that we share the planet with and of course for other human beings, no matter who they are.


This is one of the most important lessons in our book. A confident child with a healthy self-esteem will go far in life.


Do not rely on anybody for the money you need to live a rich and full life. At the same time learn to live within your means and save for the things you want.

True beauty

Beautiful is not a size 8 with pouty red lips. Beautiful is a healthy body, an easy smile, intelligence and compassion.

Be positive

Be positive and cheerful and never resort to worrying. The right attitude has been known to move mountains.

Look after your body

Look after your body and it will always look after you. And remember that a healthy body is a healthy mind!

Work hard

Set goals and work hard to achieve them, both at work and in your personal life. Always do the best you can and always strive to do better.

Think first

Think before your speak, or tweet or SMS. Always choose your words carefully and never speak or act in anger or frustration.

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