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Time slimming tips for working moms

Time slimming tips for working moms

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

If you’re a working mom then doing it all has a much deeper meaning. Laundry, cooking, packing school lunches, traffic, taxis, deadlines, meetings… the question is, how do you do it all?

These helpful tips might do the trick if you’re at your wits end.

Delegation is vital
Most of us have clear memories of star charts, assigned chores and rewards, so whip up a list for your family. That way beds get made, tables are set, dishes are washed, and laundry is brought to the washing machine – and it wasn’t all by the sweat of your brow.

Do it the night before
Mornings always run smoother if you prepare for them the night before, so put your gym bag at the front door, lay out your outfit, and get the kids to prepare their lunches and backpacks for the next day. In fact a “Night Before” checklist on the fridge works a treat for a few moms out there – especially if it hangs next to the after-school activities calendar.

This definitely goes on the list because moms tend to put themselves last. It’s difficult to keep giving of yourself if you’re not topping up your own inner tank. That’s why you need to take care of yourself: go to the gym, get a manicure, meet a friend for coffee, read a magazine and enjoy a great slice of cake that you don’t have to share with little mouths, or work on your hobby. Whilst some moms prefer to do this once a month, if you can manage it, try do something for yourself once a week.

Work Schedules
Your work is important, but it has its place: at the office. Chat to your boss or co-workers and figure out a way to leave on time so that you don’t let work pressures eat into your family time. If working late is unavoidable – cut yourself some slack (internal guilt trips are the enemy), arrange with your spouse/partner or family to help with the kids at home, and remember that you are doing the best that you can!

Plan your Meals
This way you don’t end up running to the shops more than once a week – and if you’ve already faced a bit of traffic on the way home this can be a real stress-reliever. One single working mom informed us that she’s taken to devoting a Saturday or two out of the month to cook a few single-dish meals for the freezer, like lasagne. If your kids are old enough, you can involve them in jotting down a few meal suggestions and let them help you cook.

Quality Family Time
This can range from planning a family movie night once a week and letting everyone have a turn to make their pick, to eating dinner together, or even attending a child's sporting event as a family. Bonding together creates lasting memories that are definitely worth making.

Remember, ‘mommy-knowledge’ shared by one is a piece of sanity gained by many, so let us in on any tips that help you manage the circus that is your work-family-life balance!

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