3 min read

Survival tips

Survival tips

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

There’s walking the talk, and then there’s surviving the walk. Some of us fabulous females’ idea of exercise is the walk from the car to the elevator at work, or going shopping – walking from aisle to aisle, pushing the trolley… For us the idea of walking a whole 4kms (especially in spectacular heels) might seem a little daunting, but when it’s for a good cause, we’ll make an exception.

By following these simple guidelines you should be able to stand tall and still survive the day.

Stretch beforehand – get those muscles loose and warm!
Hydrate! Luckily there will be water points along the route, but a cool glass of water before you leave the house is a good idea.
Moral support. Get all your girlfriends to enter with you and keep each other company on the long winding road.
Sunscreen! (It might not make the walk any easier but at least you won’t be competing with tomatoes for colour.)

So don't hesitate!

Get your heels and enter today by visiting www.sisterswithblisters.co.za - remember that entries close on 15 November 2012.

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