3 min read

Stay true to yourself

Stay true to yourself

October 15, 2015

By First For Women

No matter what stage you’re at in your life, there is one person that you should always be able to trust in and rely on – you. But as women, we find ourselves fulfilling multiple roles for our friends, partner, children, parents, siblings, and colleagues, whether it’s sorting out car insurance for our ageing parents or skipping a day’s work to spend time with a friend who really needs emotional support, we frequently neglect the significant relationship that we should be having with ourselves.

With all of the crazy, hectic moments that make up our day-to-day lives, it’s important to still find ways to stay true to ourselves. Here are our 1st for Women tips on maintaining the ever-important relationship with yourself:

1. Forgive your mistakes

“The past is where you learn the lesson. The future is where you apply the lesson.” –Unknown. You’re human, and realising that it’s OK to make mistakes can be incredibly liberating. Indeed, one of the best ways to grow and learn new things is to make mistakes. It’s also one of the best ways to learn more about yourself. When you slip-up, you learn your limitations and often, if you pick yourself up and try again, you surprise yourself with how much further you can go or how much better you are at something than you believed.

Mistakes also teach you how to forgive, not only yourself, but those around you, too. Remember that everyone makes mistakes and that these are not just a part of life; they help us to grow and become better people. So the next time you stumble, say, “It’s OK,” to yourself, learn from it, and you’ll be a better person for it.

2. Pamper yourself and know you deserve it

Modern women often find themselves fulfilling selfless roles. It’s a good thing to sometimes put your family, work, or friends first, but not all the time. It’s important for your mental, physical and emotional wellness to occasionally think of your own needs before you think of others’.

You probably know this and yet you may often struggle to give yourself that 30-minute pamper session, or to take a five-minute break from work, or to splash out and buy yourself something that you know you deserve. Doing things like this doesn’t need to cost a lot of money – it could just be buying a new book from your favourite author. But every now and then, go ahead and do something that is just for you.

3. Keep promises you make to yourself

Whether it’s New Year’s resolutions or simply telling yourself that this weekend you’ll make time to play the piano, when you renege on those little promises to yourself, you lose your own trust; it’s like telling yourself that you don’t value yourself, which inevitably harms your self-esteem. Try to make promises to yourself that are practical and attainable, that you know you’re not likely to go back on.

4. Take responsibility for your actions

If you do something wonderful at work, own it. If you make a mistake, claim it. But whatever happens, take responsibility for your actions – the good and the bad. By showing others that you’re a reliable person who holds her own actions accountable, you’re showing yourself the same thing, and you’ll be a person you can be proud of.

5. Sincerely compliment yourself

Every morning when you wake up, or every evening before you go to sleep, compliment yourself. Whether it’s a mental high five for owning that important presentation, or simply to tell yourself that you’re proud you stood up for yourself, recognise your uniqueness and love it.

6. Stick to your values no matter what

This is one of the most difficult things for any person to do, to stand up and say that you don’t agree with something, even when everyone else is not on your side. Yes, it is hard, and yes, it may make you unpopular, but if you stand up for your beliefs, you can place your head on your pillow each night and feel proud, knowing that you can have faith in yourself to do the right thing.

7. Trust your gut

There is nothing wrong with turning to friends, family or mentors when you need direction on an important decision in your life, but sometimes, your best guide is your gut. If your sixth sense is screaming at you, don’t stifle it – listen! You know yourself, what you want, and what you need better than anyone else.

8. Love yourself and embrace your uniqueness

“Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.” – Dr. Seuss. Although Dr Seuss is best known for writing children’s books, adults can take some important lessons from his words, too. Being you is something to love and celebrate; you have talents and qualities that absolutely no one on earth can replicate, and that’s all the reason you need to love and stay true to yourself. At 1st for Women, we embrace your uniqueness and have tailor-made our products to help you live on their own terms each day. From comprehensive car insurance to life insurance, we offer you cover that is designed just for you.

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