3 min read

Robyn Farrell, managing director of 1st for Women gives us her take on hair colour and funds.

Robyn Farrell, managing director of 1st for Women gives us her take on hair colour and funds.

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Do blondes really have more fun? That's debatable. What does seem to be true is that blondes do have more funds!

Recent studies have shown that fair-headed women earn more than women with other hair colours, and that this difference in pay is not connected to other factors - like height, weight or education.

Now, before you rush out to lighten your tresses, we have to say that we agree wholeheartedly with Robyn Farrell, managing director of 1st for Women, who says that, Having flaunted both blonde and brunette locks, as well as a combination of the two, I have to dispute this research.  South African women have a lot of challenges and issues to deal with when it comes to salary trends and gender equality in the workplace, and hair colour is certainly not one of them. 

Women still earn less than men and are still under-represented at top management level. There are very few companies who have female representation on their boards, in CEO positions, or as executive managers. Clearly we have bigger things to focus on than hair colour, like cracking the corporate glass ceiling.

Let's not believe that it's what we look like that will help us rise to the top. Rather use Farrell's concluding message on the matter:

Believe in yourself, don't overcompensate because of your sex and be more assertive.  Confidence and self-belief will go a long way to ensure that woman reach the top of the corporate ladder.

We couldn't have said it better ourselves!

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