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How to ask for a raise

How to ask for a raise

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Petrol, electricity and food price increases your money just does not seem to go as far as it used to, does it? Besides, you work hard and deserve a good salary. Sound familiar? Perhaps it is time to grab the bull by the proverbial horns and ask your boss for that raise. Easier said than done, we know. Whether it is with your partner or boss, talking about money is never easy. If you are trying to work up the nerve to ask for the raise you deserve then here is an action plan. 

Make a time
Dropping hints about the petrol price is not going to get you very far. Schedule a meeting with your boss or supervisor and warn him/her that you want to discuss your salary. 

A word of caution. If the company is not doing well financially try and hold off on your request until things look up. (If the company is constantly in the red then perhaps it is time to look for a new job!) 

You need to pull together a business case motivating why you deserve to earn more money:

  • Make a list of your achievements in the past year. What have you done exceptionally well? Have you walked the extra mile for your company and colleagues?
  • Make sure that the salary you are asking for is market related and find out what other people in your position are earning. Job ads are a great place to start.
  • Work out how much you think you should earn based on your research and your performance in the last year.
  • Also look at what could possibly be seen as an area you under-delivered in and prepare for that question. Provide unemotional reasons for not completing the task. These reasons would need to be elements beyond your control.

The big day
Here are some do's and dont's for your meeting:

  • Be direct and positive but not threatening.
  • State your case briefly, simply and calmly.
  • Don't talk about how much money you need but rather how much you deserve.
  • Always be willing to negotiate.
  • If your request is turned down find out why. In what areas do you need to improve, what do you need to do to earn your raise? 

Final word 
Earning promotions and increases is about hard work, dedication and constant efforts to improve your skills. Just as important is true passion for your job. Do your best and you will be rewarded! 

Do women earn less than men?
The answer is yes, according to SARS. For the 2011 tax year women earned on average a taxable income of R160.702. Our male counterparts, however, earned an average taxable income of R223.550. Time to ask for that raise?


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