3 min read

Beat colds and flu this winter

Beat colds and flu this winter

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Who has time for colds and flu? Between family, friends and work, downtime just isn't an option. If you want to win the war against colds and flu this winter then you are going to need a battle plan. This is what you need to know.

Keeping colds and flu at bay is about staying healthy. The secret lies in looking after your body and it, in return, will look after you.

  • I know it can be difficult in winter but remember to drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day
  • Keep warm and try to keep your body temperature as constant as possible
  • Germs lurk everywhere so wash your hands as often as possible and try not to touch your face and mouth
  • Exercise boosts the immune system so resist the urge to hibernate and stick to your exercise routine 
  • A healthy diet is essential including at least 5 portions of fruit and vegetables a day more if possible
  • Manage your stress and get a good nights sleep every night
  • Remember what your mother always said and eat a good breakfast every morning
  • Ask your doctor or pharmacist to recommend an immune boosting supplement
  • Speak to your doctor about the flu vaccine

Bonus point: sticking to your exercise plan and eating healthily throughout winter means that you will avoid picking up winter weight! Beach-ready body by September anyone?

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