Ensure your personal and policy details are correct
Always read your newest insurance schedule – make sure that your cover is correct, and that you’re insured for the correct amounts. Call us immediately if there are any changes.
Take your car for an inspection
Take your car for an inspection to make sure that it’s roadworthy. Any issues with the car – worn tyres, electrical faults, etc. – must be addressed. If not, and you’re in an accident, these may affect your claim.
Tell us what you use your car for
Honesty is the best policy. If you insure your vehicle for personal use but use it mostly for business, your claim could be affected.
Install a vehicle tracker
Check your policy – does it state that you need to install a tracker? It’s small details like these that could affect your claim later.
Tell us who your regular drivers are
Disclose who your regular drivers are from the beginning. The regular driver is the person who drives the car most often. And if these changes, let us know.
Test and activate your home alarm system
Your policy will stipulate when your home alarm should be activated. Test it regularly and make sure it’s on when it should be – especially when you leave for the holiday.
Monthly premiums
Make sure your premiums are paid on time. And if you miss a payment – or if your debit order details change – let us know as soon as you can.
Update your vehicle information
Keep us up to date on where you park your car at home. If that changes or you move somewhere with different security, tell us.
Check that you have adequate home contents and buildings cover
If you’ve bought new items for your home or sold items, this affects the value of your home contents – so make sure you’re properly covered in case of a claim. Also ensure that items are covered for their current replacement value and not what you paid at the time. The same goes for your buildings as the cost of labour and materials will affect the repair or rebuilding costs if there is damage or loss.
Tell us on time
If you need to claim, notify us on time. The sooner the better, but all incidents must be reported to SAPS within 48 hours, and to us within 30 days. In case there’s any kind of emergency, we’ve put together a handy checklist with important information on how to make your experience quick and efficient (in the unfortunate event that you need to make a claim).
Keep proof of purchase
Keep all invoices and slips for items you insure with us, especially higher value items like expensive electronics, collectibles, and artwork – they may be needed as proof of purchase.
If you have any questions or need more information, give us a call on 0861 339 339.
At 1st for Women we know that each
woman is an individual who has
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