3 min read

Women take centre stage in social networking

Women take centre stage in social networking

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

With our gift of the gab is it any wonder that women around the world spend more time on social networking sites than men do? Even though women number less than half of the number of individuals who use, for example, Facebook and Twitter, they are actually recorded as using more of the total time spent on these sites.

Surprising? Not really. Our ever-increasing desire to communicate, to connect, and to build relationships will naturally result in a stronger sense of engagement with these sites.

Facebook and Twitter are just the beginning, though. Women have also taken to the blogosphere, where they have become a powerful force to be reckoned with. That's because women understand how to build relationships and have applied this knowledge to how they connect with their audience. Here they are able to start conversations and as it turns out; these conversations sell!

Everyone knows that what women talk about, they sell. Now they have a global audience hanging onto their every word. Word of mouth marketing (WOM) has never been so influential, and the power that women hold in social networking circles is on the increase year on year.

Here are some great female-authored blogs to follow:

Dawn Jorgensen

Milisuthando Bongela

Heather Moore

Emma Jude

Tamaryn Watkins

Kim Kruyshaar and Viv von der Heyden

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