3 min read

Banish the Monday Blues

Banish the Monday Blues

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Scientists have studied it, singers have written songs about it and every single one of us have felt its pain. It is the Monday Blues, that lingering feeling of sadness and hopelessness that plagues so many of us on Monday mornings. While there might not be a cure for the blues, there are a number of things that you can do to make your Mondays more bearable.

Clear your desk on Friday
According to the experts, beating the Monday Blues is all in the planning and that planning starts on Friday. Don't be tempted to take it easy on a Friday afternoon and let the work pile up for Monday morning. Clear as much as you can off your to-do list so that you're ready for any new challenges that Monday might throw at you. Tidy your desk before you leave the office. What better way to start your working week than with a clean, organised surface?

Live your weekend!
Make the most of your weekend and come Monday morning you will feel rejuvenated with a renewed zest for life. Don't be tempted to idle away the hours watching bad TV or mindlessly trawling the malls. Meet up with friends, go to the movies, take a walk in the park or visit an art gallery.  At the same time, make sure that your body and mind get the rest they need to deal with a new working week.

Plan for Monday
Avoid a mad rush on Monday morning and put some time aside on a Sunday evening to prepare your lunch, lay out your clothes and pack your handbag or briefcase. Check your calendar and make sure you're mentally prepared for your day.

The big day
Set your alarm a little earlier on a Monday morning to make sure you have enough time to get ready calmly and quietly. Pay extra attention to your make-up and clothes, the better you look the better you will feel. Lastly, power your way through the day and make sure that you have a healthy protein-packed breakfast.

Happiness is a decision
If you still cannot shake off the Monday Blues remember that more often than not happiness is a decision. Before you leave the house decide that you will have a positive and happy day. Put a smile on your face, listen to your favourite tunes on the way to work and spread some joy at the office. Make the effort and you will be rewarded with a Monday that beats all others! 

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