3 min read

Ever kept a Celeb-Spotter Notebook?

Ever kept a Celeb-Spotter Notebook?

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

This is the ultimate collector's item in the making! The Sisters with Blisters Walk 2012 promises to be choc-a-bloc with local celebs, so take this opportunity to start your very own Local Celebs Autograph Journal.

Find and decorate a notebook, bring it with on the day and see how many autographs you can collect. If you enter with a team, why not have a competition to see who can get the most autographs?

You'll be adding a little home-grown flavour to your life, collecting an awesome memento of the day, and creating something to show off to your friends and family!

You never know just who you'll see!

Enter the Sisters with Blisters Walk by visiting www.sisterswithblisters.co.za! Entries close on 15 November 2012, so don't delay!

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