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The beauty mistakes you made in 2013

The beauty mistakes you made in 2013

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Mirror, mirror on the wall, who is the fairest of them all? No, you don't need to be Angelina or Charlize to be gorgeous. Nothing is more beautiful than a happy, healthy and well-groomed woman who takes good care of her body and mind. With January, a month of promise and opportunity, here is a list of the most common beauty mistakes you made in 2013 and how you can avoid them in 2014.

Not wearing sunblock
Sun damage will age you prematurely. If you do one thing for your skin this year make it a daily application of the right sunscreen. Here are the golden rules of buying and applying sunscreen.

Wearing too much make-up 
Let's face it there is nothing more unattractive than spikey eyelashes and a thick layer of badly applied base. Use make-up sparingly and buy the best quality make-up products you can afford.

Bad habits
Health risks aside, if anything is going to make you look old before your time it is alcohol and cigarettes. Take charge and do what you need to do to quit smoking this year you can find out more about support programmes here.  And if you must drink, do so in moderation!

Poor posture
Your mom was right when she told you to stand up straight. A bad posture is not only unattractive, it is also bad for your health. So... shoulders back, stomach in and chest out!

Being unkind to your back
Ditch the large, heavy handbag and replace with a smaller, lighter fashion accessory. Heavy bags place unnecessary strain on your shoulders and can cause back problems and tension headaches.

Not drinking enough water 
You skin needs water to stay hydrated not juice, soda or coffee but water. Put a jug on your desk at work and make sure it is empty at the end of the day. Squeeze a dash of lemon juice into your water to make it more palatable if you're battling to get it down.

Sleeping on your face
Lying on your side or stomach and pushing your face into the pillow can cause sleep wrinkles. The only real way to avoid sleep wrinkles is to train yourself to sleep on your back or invest in a custom pillow.

Inappropriate outfits
Never try and squeeze into a skirt or top that is two sizes too small for you. You do not look sexy you look cheap. And remember what they say about mutton dressed up as lamb and ensure that your wardrobe is always age appropriate!

As frustrating as life might be sometimes, do your very best not to swear. Beauty is grace and class and a foul mouth is not very classy.

Marvellous me 
You are as beautiful as you believe you are. At the heart of every truly beautiful woman lies a strong sense of self worth and a healthy self-esteem. Know and love yourself and teach your children to do the same.

For beautiful eyes, look for the good in others; for beautiful lips, speak only words of kindness; and for poise, walk with the knowledge that you are never alone.

Audrey Hepburn

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