3 min read

Stay Motivated and keep fit this winter!

Stay Motivated and keep fit this winter!

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

As winter closes in the days get shorter and temperatures start dropping. Sticking to an exercise routine seems almost impossible when just the thought of changing into your gym clothes is enough to send you straight back to the couch and that cup of hot chocolate you were planning. Dare to be different this winter and exercise your way to summer. Here's how. 

Stay motivated
The key to success lies in keeping yourself motivated. Write down your goals for your winter fitness plan and remind yourself of them when the going gets tough. Maybe you want to run a half marathon in summer or even just fit into your summer wardrobe when the weather warms up without having to invest in a new pair of jeans!

Another good way to stay motivated and ready for action is to remind yourself of the benefits of exercise, from the obvious health benefits to maintaining a toned and lean body and of course keeping those winter blues at bay. Exercise also gets the blood pumping and will warm you up faster than that high calorie mug of hot chocolate you were planning! And don't forget to reward yourself for sticking to your routine. Whether it is a new winter jacket, a weekend away or a giant slice of carrot cake, working towards a reward is a sure-fire way to keep yourself on your toes.

Lastly, consider working out with an exercise buddy for the winter months. Exercising with a friend is more fun and it is harder to make excuses when there is somebody waiting for you at the gym! 

Get organised 
A successful winter exercise plan needs to be carefully organised:

  • Where: some experts recommend exercising from home in the winter months
  • How: consider shaking up your routine and finding a new way to exercise, for example a dance class or martial arts
  • When:  draw up a realistic routine that accommodates family and work and stick to it!
Remember that nobody is perfect! Don't let a few missed sessions derail you. Keep reminding yourself of your goals and keep exercising!

Beyond exercise
And a final world of advice… Remember that good health it not just about exercise, it is also about your diet, how you manage stress and regular medical check-ups!

Hot Tip
Try the MyFitnessPal app it'll help you monitor your calories, regulate your exercise and achieve some of your daily diet and fitness goals.

"It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold and silver."
Mahatma Gandhi

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