3 min read

How to look good in photos

How to look good in photos

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Photos capture some of our most precious moments and make lasting memories out of days that would otherwise be forgotten. Not everybody loves the camera however. Are you one of those people who always seem to be squinting and grimacing in photos, trapped forever in unflattering poses? If the camera is your worst enemy then this article is for you. Read on for our advice on how to look fabulous in photos. 

Seriously. Just like everything in life, practice makes perfect. Stand in front of a mirror and practice until you have found a smile and pose that is flattering and natural.

Another great tip is to look closely at old pictures of yourself and learn from the mistakes you made. For example, if your smiles are all teeth then practice smiling with your mouth closed.

Smile secrets 
This is the golden rule: your smile has to be genuine. Think of a funny joke or a happy moment in your life and let the happiness reflect on your face. And remember to smile with your eyes and not just your mouth. 

While the secret to a good photograph is to look and feel as relaxed and happy as possible there are a few poses that you can try to add a bit of spice to your photos. For example, try turning your body slightly away from the camera, putting one leg in front of the other and resting your weight on your back leg. You could also try turning your head slightly away from the camera.

Don't forget to relax your body and bring some movement into your photos - you do not want to come across as too stiff and rigid. 

Top tips 
Learn from the pros and remember these tips next time you stand in front of a camera:

  • Banish double chins: elongate your neck and tilt your chin slightly

  • Don't forget your posture! Stomach in, shoulders back and back straight

  • Relax your face and your smile by putting the tip of your tongue behind your top front teeth

  • Add some mystery! Don't look directly at the camera - try focusing your eyes above or to the side of the lens

  • Avoid red eye: the trick is to stare at a light source so that your pupils constrict before your picture is taken

Final words 
To look good in photos you have to feel good. Stand tall and proud and exude confidence. The better you feel the better you will look. Now get practicing... 

Taking pictures is savoring life intensely, every hundredth of a second."
Marc Riboud

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