3 min read

Beat the first day of school blues...

Beat the first day of school blues...

August 17, 2015

By First For Women

Are you sending your little one to school for the first time? Sad? Excited? Happy? Worried? Yes, it's truly a confusing and stressful time for your child but, most likely, it's just as nerve-wracking for you. Before you chew your manicured nails away, take a look at the tips that we've compiled to help you get through this trying time.

Connect school and home life
Try to connect the home world and the school world by getting to know parents and children who attend the same school - familiar faces make new situations easier to handle. After school, ask your child about their day, but don't bombard them.

Get into the routine
Get yourself and your child into the school routine a week or two before school starts. You'll both start getting used to the new bed times, getting up times and eating times and the big change will seem less daunting.

Practice separation
Leave your child with relatives or friends for the day so you both start getting used to the idea of not seeing each other for extended times.

Be positive, even if you have to fake it
Act enthusiastic, optimistic and calm. Children pick up on moods very easily so don't upset them unnecessarily. Pretending to be happy often results in actually being happy. Fake it until you make it!

Ask for help
Don't feel ashamed to ask for help from relatives or friends, they might be more experienced (and less emotional) in this type of thing. Talk to friends in a similar situation.

Plan goodbyes
Never prolong goodbyes, never sneak out on your child and never let them see you cry when you're saying goodbye. It is also very important to always be on time when picking your child up and dropping them off.

Assumption is the mother of all mistakes
Never assume that your child is nervous. Separate your feelings toward school from theirs. If you had a bad first day at school you might over-worry and if you had a good day, you might become insensitive to your child's fears.

Know that this too shall pass
It might feel like the separation anxiety will go on forever, but don't fret. Children usually adapt very quickly and with all the new distractions at school, they'll do just fine.

Remember, teachers are experts in their field and your child is in good hands. After dropping your child off, sit back, relax and enjoy some me time, knowing that your child is in good hands. (PS- if necessary, remember to hide the mascara drenched tissues before anyone comes home)

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